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GBJJ Guide Knowing When To Tapout

GBJJ Guide: Knowing When To Tapout

Let’s face it – tapping out isn’t something we like to talk about. No one wants to be the person who tapped too late or tapped during a competitive match. A tapout is embarrassing as it is painful! If you’re lucky enough never to have been in this situation, you’re pretty fortunate and should consider yourself lucky. Still, training partners will inevitably be, at times, too rough or reckless (even if they have the best intentions), or you’ll find yourself in a dangerous position with no other choice but to tap out. No need to panic, though; I’m here to teach you how to know when and why to tap out – both on the mat and in tournaments.

How To Properly Tapout

Many people don’t understand that tap-outs aren’t just a way to end a match – they’re also an essential safety precaution in training. You let your opponent know that you’ve had enough, and it’s time to stop when you tap out. Injuries can be avoided when both fighters recognize when someone is getting overwhelmed and tap out before things get too dangerous.

In competition, tap-outs are used for several reasons: to concede defeat, to stop an injury from occurring, or to prevent an opponent from inflicting serious damage. The tap-out signal is made by tapping the opponent with two fingers on the same hand anywhere on their body (except the head). This should be done with enough force for the opponent to feel it, but not so much that you injure them.

It’s important to note that tapping out does not always mean you’ve lost the match. You may tap out because you know you can’t win or because you don’t want to injure your opponent any further. In this case, your opponent is still the winner, but you walk away from the match with your pride (and body) intact.

When To Tapout in Jiu-Jitsu

There are a few instances when you should tap out in Jiu-Jitsu. Knowing when and why to tap out is important for both training and competition. Here are the most common times to tap:

If You Are Injured

If you’re injured, it’s best to tap out as soon as possible to prevent further injury.

If You Are Unable to Escape a Submission

If you’re stuck in submission and unable to escape, it’s best to tap before you’re injured.

When Your Opponent Is Pinning You

When your opponent has you pinned against the mat, it can be difficult to escape. In this case, tapping out is the best option.

When You Are Uncomfortable

If you are in a submission or pinned against the mat and feel uncomfortable, tap out to avoid injury.

It’s important to remember that tap-outs are an essential part of Jiu-Jitsu. They protect both you and your opponent from serious injury. Make sure you tap out at the right time to avoid any problems.

Why Tapping Out Is Essential Both in Training and Competition

In any sport, it’s important to know your limits. You don’t want to push yourself too hard and risk getting injured. The same is true for Jiu-Jitsu. Knowing when to tap out is essential both in training and competition. Tapping out protects you from injury and allows you to continue training or competing.

In Jiu-Jitsu, tapping out is signifying to your opponent that you’ve had enough and want to tap out of the match. There are several reasons why you might want to tap out:

  • You’re injured and can’t continue the match.
  • You don’t want to injure your opponent any further.
  • You’re exhausted and can’t continue the match.
  • You’ve been submitted and there’s no way to escape.

Tapping out is a very important part of Jiu-Jitsu. It allows you to stay safe and continue training. If you don’t know when to tap out, you could end up getting injured. Make sure you tap out when you need to, and don’t push yourself too hard.

Proper Procedure for Tapping Out

When you tap out, you are communicating to your opponent that you have had enough and want the match to end. You should tap out in a way that is easily visible and understood by both you and your opponent. Here is the proper procedure for tapping out against an opponent:

1. Make sure that your hand is free and available

2. Bring your hand up to the shoulder or head of your opponent and tap them three times

3. Look your opponent in the eye and communicate that you have had enough

4. Exit the mat gracefully

The Importance of Tapping Out

There are a few key reasons why tapping out is so important in Jiu-Jitsu. First and foremost, tap-outs prevent serious injuries from occurring. When you tap out, you are communicating to your opponent that you don’t want to continue the match. This allows them to release any pressure they may be applying and stop the match before either fighter gets injured. Secondly, tap-outs are an important part of training. They allow you to push yourself to your limits while still maintaining control. If you never tap out in training, you may find yourself in a dangerous situation during a competition. Finally, tap-outs are a sign of good sportsmanship. When you tap out, you are acknowledging your opponent’s skill and respecting the sport of Jiu-Jitsu.


Tapping out is an essential part of Jiu-Jitsu. It’s a way of communicating with your opponent and your teammates that you need to tap out for safety reasons. Knowing when to tap out is just as important as knowing how to tap out. You need to be able to read your opponent and know when they’re able to tap you out.

In training, tap-outs are essential for safety reasons. You don’t want to get injured in training and have to miss weeks or months of training. In competition, tap-outs are also important for safety reasons. You don’t want to injure your opponent and have them unable to compete in future tournaments.

When you tap out, you’re also signaling to your opponent and your team that you’ve given up. You’re no longer trying to win the match. Your tap out is a signal of defeat.

Knowing when and why to tap out is an important part of Jiu-Jitsu. Make sure you know the proper procedure for tapping out and be sure to tap out when you need to.
