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How Much Does Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Near Me Cost?

How Much Does Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Near Me Cost?

Many pursue BJJ as a way to become fitter, happier, and healthier. Indeed, improved fitness and mental health are among the many benefits of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Nevertheless, there are still some people who are unsure when it comes to taking the first few steps (or rolls) on the Tatami. For these individuals, one question emerges: “How much does Brazilian Jiu Jitsu near me cost?”

“How much does Jiu Jitsu cost?” is a valid question to ask. It’s one that our team at Granite Bay Jiu-Jitsu is more than eager to answer. Read on to learn more about the costs of training and tuition. Also, read on to learn about other costs one needs to prepare for when training for the long haul.

Classes ($140 to $200 Depending on the Type of Class and Contract)

Right off the bat, your first expense will be for class fees or tuition. Across BJJ schools, the tuition fees will differ. The type of class can account for the wide variation in fees even within the same school.

For example, at Granite Bay Jiu-Jitsu, we offer more than general BJJ classes. We also offer classes in Judo, wrestling, and self-defense.

Here are the fees for our different Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu class offerings:

BJJ Self-defense Foundations Class ($200 Monthly for Six Months)

For the self-defense classes, the fee is $200. It’s a six-month recurrent monthly membership plan tailored specifically for students with an interest in learning BJJ for self-defense. The self-defense class is in a small group format. In other words, there are limited slots for the self-defense classes.

The small group format is conducive to maximum learning and supervision. Hence, for $200, our self-defense course is a steal.

One-year Contract BJJ Classes ($140/ $160 Monthly for 12 Months)

There are two payment plans available for students who wish to learn BJJ. The first one is the 12-month plan that costs $140 monthly. Under this plan, the student will be able to attend two classes every week.

We’ve also got unlimited recurrent one-year plans for youth learners. The unlimited 12-month plan costs $160. As the name of the plan implies, students can show up to class and even for open mat as often as they please. 

Six-month Contract BJJ Classes ($160/ $180 Monthly for Half a Year)

For students who are hesitant about committing for a year, there are also six-month plans available. Students who intend on attending classes twice a week can take advantage of the first plan which costs $160.

Of course, there’s also an unlimited six-month plan that costs $180 monthly. Under this plan, students can attend classes to their heart’s content every week. This also includes open mat

Monthly Contracts ($180/ $200 for the Month)

There are shorter-term plans available as well. In a month, $180 can get students two classes each week for thirty days. This amounts to eight classes for a whole month. On the other hand, for students who can only commit to a month but want to attend more classes, there’s the $200 one-month contract. 

BJJ Gi ($69 to $150 Depending on the Brand)

Unlike most sports, BJJ is a sport where footwear doesn’t matter. In fact, students and practitioners are barefoot all the time — unless they’d like to wear wrestling shoes.

At times, academies rent out apparel. When we talk about rental apparel, we’re referring to one thing — the gi. These are a godsend for those who are new to the sport but haven’t purchased a gi.

Gi rental fees vary from one academy to another. Some rental fees (like ours) are pretty affordable. For the most part, the rentals can add up over the long term. For this reason, we advise investing in a quality gi. We call them investments because they do hold up for a long time.

For students coming from Judo, there’s no immediate need to buy a gi tailored specifically for BJJ. However for those who are looking for quality gis, our gi review might help.

Other BJJ Apparel (Anywhere from $90 to $120)

Not every class requires students to wear a gi. No-gi classes allow more leeway as regards clothing options. For a no-gi class, a t-shirt and a pair of cotton shorts or pocketless board shorts may suffice. However, it’s always a good idea to buy BJJ apparel like rash guards, shorts, and even compression leggings. 

Clothing oneself from head to toe for the mats can cost anywhere from $80 to $170. The total cost can depend on what is lacking in an individual’s gear, as well as the brand.

For example, if a person were to purchase a pair of Hexagon BJJ Shorts from Hayabusa and the Fusion Rashguard from the same company, the total cost can be about $109. By comparison, purchasing a rashguard from Raven and shorts by Fuji can cost less at roughly $91.

As with a gi, BJJ apparel is durable enough to last a long time. Any student should be able to get at least a year’s worth of mat work in these articles of clothing.

Mouthguard ($8 to $20)

BJJ can get intense. While nobody throws punches or kicks, mouth injuries do occur. Hence, while not a necessity, a good mouthguard is always a great investment for one’s health and longevity on the mats.

The market abounds with BJJ mouthguards. Luckily, anyone can get a mouthguard for about $8. There are other BJJ mouthguards designed by reputable companies like Shock Doctor and SafeJawz. Of course, these can cost almost $20 — still cheaper than a dental appointment, in our opinion.

Wrestling Headgear ($38 to $60)

Anyone who has trained BJJ or wrestled for a long time will complain of one inevitability — cauliflower ears. While cauliflower ears can be a badge of honor earned from time on the mats and competing, it isn’t something everyone wants.

To prevent the formation of cauliflower ears, one piece of equipment can help — wrestling headgear. Headgear can be a pretty expensive piece of equipment.

Some models of wrestling headgear cost about $38, like this one from Adidas. On the higher end are models from companies like Cliff Keen that cost $61.  

Try Out BJJ for a Whole Week — Free and Priceless!

Whatever the costs of BJJ, one thing is certain — they will be worth it. Besides reaping the benefits of this beautiful sport, students can broaden their social circles and take steps towards being better and fitter athletes and individuals.

If you’re curious about BJJ, you don’t need to bring out your wallet or checkbook just yet. Try a week on us and see how BJJ can be an investment you make on yourself.
