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what is jiu-jitsu?

what is jiu-jitsu

The world of martial arts is bigger than most would expect and has several different crafts within it. Jiu-jitsu, a style of martial arts that has been growing in popularity over the years, is one of the arts that more people are interested in because of how approachable it is. If ever there was such a thing as a non-violent fighting technique, Jiu-Jitsu is without a doubt it, but there is more than meets the eye with this particular practice. In this post, we’re going to discuss Jiu-Jitsu and what it means for those who practice it.

The Origin of Jiu-Jitsu

Most people are surprised to learn that the most prominent kind of jiu-jitsu, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, is not the original. Despite the fact that the majority of people are training in Brazilian jiu-jitsu, some are still shocked to learn that there is another form of jiu-jitsu in Japan. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu brings together practices from the Japanese style in combination with other fighting styles to create an all-new approach to fighting. Some older stories of jiu-jitsu’s evolution even suggest that jiu-jitsu was a popular fighting style for monks thousands of years ago, which is a testament to its less than violent nature.

The Jiu-Jitsu Style

While the majority of fighting styles focus on actively combatting an opponent, jiu-jitsu focuses more on a grappling element. While something like karate might focus more on kicks or strikes, jiu-jitsu is all about getting your opponent on the ground, making it a gentler fighting style. The end goal is to win the fight by placing the other person in some kind of hold. For this reason, many consider it to be non-violent. It is generally believed to be a style to finish fights rather than start them, which makes it particularly great for kids. Jiu-jitsu practitioners find success through an understanding of how to manipulate an opponent so that they can no longer continue to fight—rather than inflicting pain or damage, jiu-jitsu empowers fighters to physically stop their opponent rather than beat them with combat moves.

Training In Jiu-Jitsu

Every style of fighting brings the people who practice it certain benefits, and jiu-jitsu brings a few extras. In general, training in jiu-jitsu is an excellent way to build strength and tone the body. This fighting style does not require exceptional strength or power, making it just as effective in small hands as it is in larger ones. Through practice alone, anyone who tries Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and sticks with it will see physical results, but the benefits don’t stop there.

A unique part of jiu-jitsu is its focus on anatomy. When you practice BJJ, you will spend time learning about the body and its limitations. Knowing how your body works, as well as how an opponent’s body works, requires quite a bit of learning. This focus on anatomy is a great way to turn jiu-jitsu into an even bigger learning opportunity because it doesn’t only stress technique, but also biology. 

Your Family-Friendly Fighting Style

Families all around the world are finding that jiu-jitsu is a wonderful practice for kids and parents alike. It has all of the disciplines of any major sport, but it isn’t violent. Some parents worry about their kids learning a fighting style simply because they are putting adult tools into the hands of children. It isn’t unfair to worry if the same kid that you watched meltdown over soggy cereal as a toddler can be trusted with knowing how to deliver a proper punch. Fortunately, with jiu-jitsu, you don’t have to worry about all of that.

So many parents worry about their kids being able to protect themselves. We were all kids ourselves and most of us knew at least one kid that made us want to know how to fight. With jiu-jitsu, you can give your kids the power to deescalate a situation if someone is physically violent towards them, but you do so without risking them being offensive rather than defensive. 

One of the great things about jiu-jitsu is what it can teach kids. It allows them to explore their physical limitations and offers a great physical outlet for some of that kid energy. When your child practices jiu-jitsu, they will be worn out. It is a physically demanding sport that can work wonders for keeping your kid fit, healthy, and calm.

The Impacts of Jiu-Jitsu On The Body

With training, those who practice jiu-jitsu are generally in very good shape. Even if you aren’t to begin with, the more time that you spend practicing, the more it will do. Who doesn’t want to feel healthier and stronger? These are natural benefits that come from practicing any sport, but jiu-jitsu can also be less physically damaging because it is not as aggressive as some of the other fighting styles. 

Though jiu-jitsu can tone you up and help you to grow your strength, its physical benefits are also beneficial to the mind. Living an active lifestyle is a great way to help your body operate to the best of its ability. When you move a lot, you feel good, and there’s a reason for it. Being more active can help your body to produce the neurotransmitters in your brain that are responsible for helping you to be your best self. BJJ’s active approach will keep you in great shape and help your body to do what it does best. 


When it comes to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, people aren’t really sure what to expect. The truth is that BJJ is a form of martial arts that is designed to help every person find strength regardless of size. It is just as approachable for kids as it is for adults, making it a good hobby for the entire family. With BJJ, you will learn how to use your own body to stop any fight as soon as it begins. This modern art is only getting more popular, so don’t hesitate to sign up and see if jiu-jitsu is a good fit for you. We might have a bias, but we feel pretty confident that you are going to love it.