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How to Tie a Martial Arts Belt?

How to Tie a Martial Arts Belt?

Martial arts of all kinds have their preferred uniforms. Most of the time, these uniforms require a belt of some sort to tie the uniform together. In some instances, these belts are purely functional. In others, they are a matter of showing off talent or level. No matter the reasoning behind your belt, knowing how to tie your belt appropriately is an important part of your craft. In this post, we will explore martial arts belts and how to tie them the right way.

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What Age Can Kids Start Karate?

What Age Can Kids Start Karate?

Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) is a world-renowned, high-intensity martial art that, like karate, requires technique, dedication, and athleticism. So, you might be wondering, is jiu-jitsu for kids? And at what age can kids start jiu-jitsu?

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