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5 Famous Celebrities Who Practice Jiu Jitsu

Formal training in sports has long been acknowledged as being good for physical and mental health, and parents find it is a good way for their kids to learn discipline. If you are looking for a way to help your child, signing them up for kids karate classes with us would be a good idea. It can give them the basics in learning how to defend themselves against physical attack, but it also helps their coordination. They will need to lengthen their attention span to learn, and they may even want you to take adult martial arts classes so they can see if you can keep up with them.

Celebrity Jiu Jitsu Practitioners

Getting your child interested in participating in kids martial arts may be easy if they have a favorite celebrity who practices it already. There are many who have used their fame to help inspire others in many ways. For those who are looking for a bridge to discuss the possibility of enrolling their children in kids karate classes, here are just a few celebrities currently involved in jiu jitsu to help inspire them.

A decades long favorite, Keanu Reeves has a variety of martial arts to his name. He not only is a practitioner of jiu jitsu, he has sword fighting and kung fu training. These are all arts that have been helpful in some of his movie roles, but he focuses on how they have helped him improve his own life by enhancing his ability to pay attention to the world around him.

One of America’s favorite fathers, Ed O’Neal is one more celebrity involved in the martial arts. He has been practicing long enough to obtain his black belt in Brazilian jiu jitsu. While that is no mean feat, just imagine the years he has had to marshall young actors through their lines as an adult in the studio. He might have chosen to take adult martial arts classes to help him with the patience needed to help his young co-stars, and he has certainly mastered the techniques and disciplines by making it all the way to the coveted black belt in this sport.

Being beaten up as a teenager is the reason Jonah Hill gives for his venture into jiu jitsu. He sadly remembers school bullies going after younger or smaller kids with no fighting skills, and he was one. He is still in the first stages of learning, but he now has more confidence because he knows he can defend himself at any age. It is never too late to start learning this art form, yet it might be best to get your child started before a bullying episode has an opportunity to haunt them for a lifetime.

Not Just for Guys

Action heroes have generally been boys and men on the big and small screen, but today’s women are proving you do not have to be one of the guys to practice and excel in the martial arts. Rather than taking the sport down to an easier level, women are taking it seriously and earning their way to the top. Here are just a few female celebrities to help inspire your daughter when it comes to enrolling in kids marital arts classes.

Playing a male or female superhero generally requires a stunt double to do the difficult physical tasks, but not for Margot Robbie. When she starred in Suicide Squad, she did her own stunts. Part of making movies is the preparation to play the role, and Margot decided that Brazilian jiu jitsu would help her out in this particular movie. She was right, and it only took going three times per week for her to have the confidence to make all the right moves during filming.

As a child star on Barney & Friends, Demi Lovato has gone on to entertain the world in many different venues. She is an actress, a singer, and she is also a practitioner of Brazilian jiu jitsu. She holds a blue belt, but that will probably not be the final belt color she wears as she continues to practice her martial art skills on a regular basis. She does say it helps her maintain her mental health, and she has commented it will help with depression and anxiety. While she may not particularly have time to experience these feelings, she is aware others may have them.
