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kettlebell core workout

Best BJJ Kettlebell Core Workout To Improve Ab Strength

Kettlebell workouts are great for cardio, strength, and endurance training. They also provide a unique challenge to the core because of how dynamic and unstable the exercises tend to be. This BJJ kettle core workout will improve your ab strength and help you stay strong during BJJ matches. The best thing about this training routine is that you only need a kettlebell and a mat to get it done! Let’s start crushing those abs! 

Kettlebell Core Workout

This kettlebell core workout will challenge your entire core. Make sure to go through the exercises slowly to get the best results. Start with a good warm-up. This will help prevent injuries and ensure you get the most out of this core workout. The best way to warm up is with a light cardio session. You can even do this core workout as your warm-up if you want! This will help get your blood flowing and prepare your core muscles for the challenge!

Kettlebell Straight Arm Sit

This kettlebell ab workout is designed to strengthen the rectus abdominis. Start in a plank position with your feet 12-18 inches away from your hands. Make sure your core is tense and that you’re not letting your back sag. Go down into a sit and make sure that you keep your back straight the entire time. For the return, push yourself back up to the original position. This exercise is excellent for beginners because it challenges the core without putting a heavy load on the person.

Turkish Get Up

This exercise is designed to strengthen the abdominals and the lower back. Start by lying on your back with your legs bent and your hands placed behind your head. Bring your knees up to a 90-degree angle and lift your torso so that you’re in a seated position. From there, lift your torso and legs off the ground and move into a press-up position. When you’re done with the press-up, lie down on the ground with your legs bent and hands behind your head. This kettlebell ab workout takes a lot of core strength, so be careful with your form!

Kettlebell Windmills

This kettlebell ab workout is designed to strengthen the rectus abdominis. Start in a plank position with your core engaged and your feet 12-18 inches from your hands. Bring your right knee up and bend it 90 degrees so your knee is directly above your ankle and your foot is pointed towards the ceiling. Keep your left foot planted on the ground to balance out your weight.

Rotate your torso and left arm towards your right leg. Make sure that you keep your core engaged the entire time. Once you’re done rotating, return to the original position by bringing your left arm and torso back to the center. Ensure that both legs are planted on the ground and that you’re not letting your knees or shoulders touch the ground.

V-Sit Kettlebell Hold

This kettlebell ab workout is designed to strengthen the rectus abdominis and the lower back. Start by lying on your back with your legs bent and arms placed behind your head. Bring your knees up to a 90-degree angle and lift your torso so that you’re in a seated position. Make sure that you don’t let your torso drop. You want to keep your back straight the entire time. Hold this position for as long as you can. This exercise is excellent for building endurance in your abdominal muscles and improving your core strength.

Kettlebell Sit and Press

This exercise is designed to strengthen the abdominals and the lower back. Start by lying on your back with your legs bent and your hands placed above your head. Bring your knees up to a 90-degree angle and lift your torso so that you’re in a seated position. From here, lift your torso and legs off the ground and bring your hands above your head. When you’re done, lie back down on the ground with your legs bent and hands above your head. This kettlebell core workout is a great way to test your core strength and see how long you can hold the sit and press position. It also works various muscles in your core, which is excellent!

Kettlebell Renegade Row

This exercise is designed to strengthen the abdominals and the lower back. Start by getting into a push-up position with your palms resting on a kettlebell. Make sure that your core is engaged and that your back is straight. Start rowing the kettlebell towards you and then back to the original position. This exercise is a great way to simultaneously challenge your core and upper body. To make this exercise more challenging, try moving to a lower surface like a couch or a bed!

Kettlebell Deck Squat

This exercise is designed to strengthen the quadriceps and glutes. Start by standing with your feet a few inches from a bench. Ensure that your feet are facing the bench and your knees are behind your toes. Slowly sit down on the bench and squat down as far as possible. Keep your core engaged and your back straight while you’re in the squatting position. Make sure to return to the original position when you’re done. This exercise is great for challenging your core and building strength in your lower body. If you’re a beginner, make sure to go slow and not overdo it. Squatting down can be challenging for your core!

Kettlebell Front Rack Marches

This exercise is designed to strengthen the quadriceps and glutes. Start by standing with your feet a few inches from a bench. Make sure that your feet are facing the bench and your knees are behind your toes. Squat down and put the kettlebell in the front rack position. Stand up while keeping the kettlebell in the front rack position. Make sure to keep your core engaged the entire time. This kettlebell ab workout is great for challenging your core and building strength in your lower body. It can be scaled for any fitness level, making it an excellent exercise for beginners!


There are many benefits to a kettlebell core workout. It can be done anywhere and only requires a kettlebell and a mat. It’s an excellent workout for all fitness levels as well! Kettlebells are a unique type of equipment requiring a lot of core strength to use correctly. This is why a kettlebell workout is excellent for improving your overall strength! If you want to see results from your kettlebell workout, go through this kettlebell core workout. You can also adapt these exercises to make them more challenging!
