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topical pain relief

BJJ Recovery: Best Topical Pain Relief to Help Sore Muscles

Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) training uses all the muscle groups that people do not commonly use when performing standard workouts. Even if they are fit, they will still feel soreness after BJJ training. If the soreness is constant, you need to ask yourself whether your over training. Soreness is common. Which is why we put this article together covering the most common topical pain relief products.

 Lasting pain and stiffness in muscles could result from an individual who is not used to training in the art of BJJ or over training. So, when you ramp up your sessions, your muscles will be in shock. If you decide to sign up for longer daily BJJ workout routine, you will experience sore muscles. The reason is that you will be using your more extensive groups of muscles while training. 

 In addition, BJJ works out your core as you will continually use it throughout the exercise. So, it is important to stretch after classes to lessen the soreness intensity and duration.

 Ensure you pay attention to your neck, leg, back, knees and shoulders to prevent them from hurting. Anyway, you must be wondering what you can do to get rid of the muscle soreness of the BJJ, right? Well, there are a couple of things you can use, like Topical Pain Relief. 

 These include Tiger Balm, Bio-freeze, and Penetrex. Additionally, individuals can use icepacks to relieve muscle pain. They can also consider other muscle relief agents like Canabbidiol topicals to combat muscle fatigue. Remember, you need to talk to your instructors about any injuries or strains. Coaches often help their students to keep healthy and will take extra precautions when training them.

Tiger Balm

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Tiger-Balm Ultra Sports Rub is famous topical pain relief and versatile ointment that you can use if you need to alleviate pain more. Users will get fast, comforting relief for stiff muscles and joint and muscle pain with one application. The formula consists of herbal ingredients Tiger-Balm that offer superior relief for minor aches related to backaches, joint pains, muscle strains, stiffness, and arthritis. 

 Manufacturers pack the contents of Tiger-Balm topical in an economically-sized 1.7 oz tin that holds more oil than regular jars. The packaging is ideal for individuals that love Tiger-Balm or heavy users of the ointment. In addition, chiropractors, sports trainers, and massage therapists prefer this tin size. The balm’s active ingredients include:

  • Camphor (Topical Analgesic)
  • Menthol

 The inactive ingredients of the ointment are:

  • Paraffin Petrolatum
  • Cassia oil
  • Dementholized mint oil
  • Clove oil
  • Cajuput oil

 Patients need to use the ointment as directed by the doctor. Ensure the balm does not get into contact with their mucous membranes or eyes. If they have a wound, damaged or irritated skin, you should avoid Tiger-Balm. They should know that they should only use Tiger-balm for external use. To use the product, you need to apply it to the part you are experiencing soreness. 

 To increase the effectiveness of tiger-balm, you should massage the ointment into your skin until it is wholly absorbed instead of letting it sit on top of your skin. The company recommends applying the balm up to four times daily and avoiding bathing immediately after use. If your skin reacts to the product, stop its use immediately.

Biofreeze Roll-On

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Bio-freeze is a legendary formula for pain relief. Pharmacists, physical therapists, athletic trainers, and massage therapists trust the product. Backed by science and clinically recommended, the ointment penetrates deep pain offering relief to sore joints and muscles. It is fast-acting and provides long-lasting comfort to muscle soreness. 

 The ointment temporarily alleviates pains and muscles like bruises, sore muscles, strains, sore joints, and sprains. Manufacturers use U.S Pharmacopeia-grade ingredients to make Bio-freeze. Individuals can also go for a dye-free option. Further, the ointment does not contain propylene glycol and parabens. Users can apply Bio-freeze Roll to body parts like shoulders, back, knee, hip, wrist, and elbow. 

 The Biofreeze Gel is excellent for massage applications on large muscles that will benefit from a hands-on technique. The ointment penetrates quickly to relieve pains and aches.


One of the active ingredients of Bio-freeze Roll-on is menthol USP-4%. The inactive ingredients include:

  • Purified water USP
  • Isopropyl Alcohol USP
  • Glycerine
  • Herbal extract
  • Silicon dioxide

 When using this ointment:

  • Avoid application on skin that is damaged, irritated, or wounded
  • Discontinue use if you develop excessive irritation
  • Make sure you do not apply the product to your eyes
  • Do not use with other sprays and creams

 Biofreeze is flammable, so users need to keep away from open flame. The ointment is for external use only. If they have sensitive skin, consult their physician before using the product.


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Penetrex is a revolutionary treatment for inflammation-related conditions like back pain, muscle aches, joint aches, and arthritis. Penetrex is an effective topical pain relief that treats many ailments like carpal tunnel, fibromyalgia, tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis, and more. 

 Unlike other topical pain reliefs with cooling and warming ingredients, Penetrex-targets specific affect areas to offer soothing. Hence they offer solid and long-lasting comfort. Moreover, Penetrex focuses on treating the root cause of the pain and aches instead of masking the symptoms. Therefore, they accelerate the recovery process and successfully alleviate patient discomfort. People can use Pene-trex on its own or combine it with arthritis pads, supplements, heating pads, massagers, or ice packs. 

 Penetrex has a proven track record of delivering results for individuals suffering from pain. Manufacturers ship several jars of ointment to clients around the globe every day, demonstrating the product’s effectiveness. To soothe the affected regions, Penetrex contains ingredients like Arnica, water, glycerine, glucosamine, vitamin B6, and choline. 

 The product’s unique formulation is non-greasy and non-staining without the strong odor of other topical creams. The product guarantees satisfaction, so you can try it without worry. Penetrex is for adult use only. Customers need to apply the cream to cover the whole affected area three or four times daily for about seven days and then when necessary. They need to massage the ointment until the skin completely absorbs it.


People probably feel excited and nervous while walking into their first Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu class. BJJ has a variety of moves, some moves being easier than others. The first time on the mat will bring up various physical and emotional responses they have never experienced. Through these experiences, they will discover your strengths and challenges. 

 The training offers a personal journey that you will enjoy. Even with all the benefits of the routine, we all know the pain and soreness associated with BJJ. There are many pains that you will get from hard training. Note that some individuals may stop exercising due to these pains and injuries. The most common paints are tendinitis in the knees and forearms, back pain, hip pain, and neck pain.

 It is possible to minimize these pains or combat soreness using strategic approaches. However, when people leave the pain untreated for a long time, they let the issue get out of hand, which may be dangerous. To alleviate the pain, individuals can do stretches, yoga, or implement a BJJ conditioning program. Besides, they can also buy topical pain reliefs like tiger-balm, Bio-freeze roll-on, and Pene-trex from amazon to help ease the pain. Shop today at Amazon to get these ointments at affordable rates.

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