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guard pass

Guard Pass Tips & Positions To Help You Improve

In the world of Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ), guard passing is one of the most essential tasks every practitioner needs to learn. It’s so important that it would be incredibly difficult for you to progress in BJJ without learning how to pass an opponent’s guard.

Guard passing is commonly referred to as the most difficult task in BJJ, primarily because it’s a multistage process. You don’t just have to master different guard passing techniques. You also need to exploit your opponent’s weakness and present them with difficulties, allowing you to gain control of the match and pass your opponent’s guard.

Common Principles for BJJ Guard Passing

To help improve your BJJ guard passing skills, you need to keep yourself familiar with different principles that will help you progress in this combat sport and compete with opponents with advanced guard retention capabilities. Here are some of the best tips to help you improve your BJJ guard passing:

Hone Fundamental Basic Positions

As you progress in BJJ guard passing or the sport as a whole, you may forget about mastering basic positions. This is because you become too focused on honing more advanced guard passing and other BJJ techniques. However, in order to truly excel in BJJ, you must have a good grasp of all the fundamental basic positions. This helps you maintain a dominant position during matches.

In proper BJJ guard passing, you should not give your opponent an opportunity to reacquire his guard immediately. You will only be able to prevent this by implementing basic positions such as mount, side-control, rear-mount, and several others. Once you master this, it will be easier for you to maintain a dominant position and put yourself in control of the match.

To learn and maintain basic positions, the best thing you can do is to spend more time practicing positional spars. This allows you to hold basic positions even if you don’t exert too much energy, enabling you to improve your BJJ guard passing skills.

Have at Least Two Go-To Methods

When it comes to BJJ guard passing, there are different techniques you can try and be an expert on. Each player will have their own go-to methods that help them dominate their matches. But in order to maintain the dominant position, having a single method is not enough. Have at least two or more go-to methods to help you effectively open the closed guard.

The thing about BJJ is that your opponent will try to assess what technique you are using. They will try their best to handle your techniques and render your moves useless. By having two or more guard passing techniques, you can surprise your opponent with what your next move will be.

Proper Distance Management

Proper distance management is critical in BJJ guard passing. In fact, it is a concept relevant to all combat sports. Depending on what technique you are planning to use, there is a recommended distance you should follow. This allows you to execute the technique properly, making it more likely that you’ll finish a pass.

However, keep in mind that your opponent is trying their best to predict what you will do. This allows them to counter your attacks and prevent you from breaking down their defense. To avoid this, you will need to change your distance and do another tactic.

There are two common ways on how to pass guard BJJ. One is by trying pressure passing, while the other is passing at a distance with speed. If pressure passing is not working, you can opt to surprise your opponent by passing at a distance. This could force them to defend themselves differently and change their guard style, allowing you to achieve side control and maintain a dominant position.

Let Gravity Work on Your Side

Remain in the dominant position by constantly applying pressure from beginning to end. Let gravity work for you and against your opponent.  With constant pressure, your opponent will be restricted from moving around and changing the terms of the match.

To do this, you need to know how to apply pressure properly. Basically, it is about concentrating on a single point while restricting your opponent’s movement with your arms and legs. Make sure to do it at the correct timing as well, allowing you to get the kind of reaction you want from your opponent.

The 3 Best BJJ Guard Pass Positions

There are many guard passing positions in BJJ. You need to learn all about these positions in order for you to progress in this combat sport. Here are 3 of the most reliable guard passes everyone practicing BJJ should learn about:

Leg Drag

One of the most reliable BJJ guard positions is the leg drag. What’s good about this position is that aside from giving you a good opportunity to pass the side control of your opponent, it can also allow you to transition straight to the back.

To achieve this position, you need to drag your opponent’s legs across your hips. You must make sure that your opponent’s knee will be in front of your hips, while their bottom legs are beneath your shin. Maintain the leg drag position by applying downward pressure on your opponent’s top leg.

Make sure that you utilize this powerful grappling position properly. Avoid rushing this position so it will be effective. You must take your time to lock yourself into the leg drag position. You only need to advance to your guard pass technique once you secure your opponent’s leg.

Knee Cut

Knee cut is an easy BJJ guard pass position to master. However, in order to implement this properly, you need to keep your balance, which requires practice. Once you develop a sense of balance needed for the knee cut position, it will be easy for you to pass your opponent’s guard.

When it comes to the knee cut position, your goal is to put your leg in between the legs of your opponent. You then need to use your leg to staple one of your opponent’s legs to the floor. Make sure that your opponent won’t be able to turn by keeping their shoulder pinned to the mat using the underhook technique.

Double Under

The double under position is highly uncomfortable for your opponent, allowing you to easily maintain a dominant position. The goal is to have the back of your opponent’s knees on your shoulders, while their hips are clasped by your hands.

To do this, you need to place both forearms underneath your opponent’s leg. Afterwards, do the same thing using your shoulders. Once you do this, your opponent will be stacked on their shoulders and neck, allowing you to easily gain control.

Where Can I Find Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Near Me?

Want to learn more about Brazilian jiu-jitsu? Take our BJJ classes here at Granite Bay jiu-jitsu. Our instructors are jiu-jitsu black belts with over 15 years of teaching experience. We implement cutting-edge curriculums developed by one of the most respected organizations in BJJ, the Charles Gracie Association.

Granite Bag jiu-jitsu is offering a 100% free 7-day free trial pass. Sign up with us today to get your free trial.
