all new members get a free uniform (gi)

how much do karate classes cost for kids

How Much Does Karate For Kids Near Me Cost?

Adults seeking self-defense classes often turn to martial arts options for themselves or their children for exercise as well as a fun activity that teaches lifelong lessons. Lessons related to self-defense styles like BJJ or Aikido, Karate, Kung Fu, Judo, and Taekwondo focus on more than physical motions. They also teach specific life skills along with increased strength and awareness. For various reasons, parents and guardians prefer to start children with karate, an unarmed method of combat performed barefoot. Yet, many parents worry about affording the cost of classes. Some of them perform an online search with the keyword phrase “karate for kids near me” and find results that link to confusing information about costs and other details. 

 The following four sections of this guide outline the costs in general for all class types, children and teens, karate gear and extras. Parents who need guidance about this topic can stop searching for answers. This guide clears up confusion in all of these areas:

General Overall Costs For Karate Near Me

 People pay between $50 and $200 on average at a dōjō, school, community center, public gym or another facility for one month of martial arts classes no matter the form of combat style. The administrators of community-based programs at a center, church, or park might charge $50 or less. That said, they usually offer fewer classes and experience regular schedule disruptions. Private studio and professional school group classes and one-on-one lessons typically cost $150 to $200 per month. Of course, many factors influence the cost. Some one-on-one lessons can cost as much as $60 to $100 per hour

A GBJJ, we offer memberships starting at $120/mo and unlimted membership classes for $140/mo for both Youth and Adults ($20/mo discount per additional family member) . All memberships include a free uniforms! Our private one-on-one training starts at $80/hour. 

 The price typically increases or decreases based on the experience level and reputation of the instructor and the number of classes. Class fees might cover either a limited or unlimited number of classes. If a person has a yearly membership at the facility, which can cost up to $180 a year, they might not pay any additional fees, for example, beyond their membership fee. 

 Some martial arts training facilities don’t offer monthly payment options. They require that students pay for three or more months at $200 to $250 for a plan that offers unlimited class access. Some facilities do offer a discount if a parent agrees to bring their child to classes for six months or longer. Additionally, some locations offer a special membership discount when two or more members of the same family join. The membership discount can be as much as 20 percent less than a standard membership per person.

Rates for Kids Karate Near Me

 Most facilities charge less to teach children than adults, which means that parents and guardians can expect to pay up to 50 percent less than the standard adult rate for their child to study karate. That said, the child’s age affects the discount amount. Parents usually receive a smaller discount for teens closer to adult age than they would receive for younger children.

 They should always research the facility and instructor before paying for classes or joining as a member. Kids need to feel comfortable with the environment, teacher, and their peers. Some places allow a child to receive a free trial to participate in a specific number or a week’s worth of classes to help the child and their parents decide if the facility, instructor and other class participants match the child’s needs and mesh well with their personality. With a free trial, the child might learn about a style of martial arts other than karate. The training option depends on the facility.

 Parents should also look into additional skills taught by an instructor before investing in classes for their children. Martial arts training for kids should include some basic life skills training and possibly beginner leadership training designed to help children acquire the tools they need for success beyond self-defense.

Necessary Gear Fees

 The gear that a child might need for karate classes reflects uniformity and protection. All class participants must have a uniform or “Gi” that typically consists of a lightweight cotton jacket, pants, and a belt. The belt’s color changes over time from white to black as the student progresses successfully through their training. Some facilities include the uniform in the cost of classes or membership. That said, parents must usually purchase their children’s uniforms separately, especially as their child ages and grows. The retail cost can range between $17 and $50 depending on the martial arts style, the uniform material and size, and the retailer. 

 Although facilities often provide sparring safety gear, exceptions exist unless they include the cost in the class fee or membership. Parents might pay up to $90 for a mouthpiece, headgear, and leg guards alone. They might pay up to $60 for a bag to carry the gear. They might also pay for gloves, handguards, a chest protector, a rib guard, feet pads, shoes, focus mitts, a jockstrap or training weapons. Any of these items, especially paired items, can cost up to $50 per pair and sometimes even more. Parents also need to buy their child a large, insulated water bottle to help them stay hydrated during the karate lessons. These types of bottles can cost up to $30 per bottle. Thankfully, many martial arts stores and other retailers offer discount, sale, and clearance pricing for gear.

Extra Potential Costs

 Extra costs related to martial arts self-defense training usually exist because of an instructor’s requirements or to help cover facility-related expenses. Some locations that offer karate classes rely heavily on students or parents and guardians paying extra fees for services that ultimately help cover administrative and overhead costs associated with managing the facility and offering classes. They also require these purchases so that a student’s gear matches their standards in terms of style and quality.

 For example, parents might have to pay $60 or more for a martial arts federation membership, which some schools require for different reasons. They might also have to pay for special insurance offered by the facility that’s separate from their existing medical insurance. In addition, many facilities charge $250 or more for a testing fee that covers the cost of the test used to prove a student’s skills so that they can progress to the next level of training. Some facilities even require that parents buy gear from their on-site professional shops. These fees can obviously place a massive strain on the budget of parents who need to shop around for the best deals possible, which is why parents should carefully research a facility before paying for classes. 


 At Granite Bay Jiu-Jitsu Academy, our staff and instructors believe that karate can do more for children than provide self-defense skills. We know that children who learn karate become empowered and more self-reflective and self-confident. They learn a variety of skills that can help them succeed in life. We offer a free seven-day trial pass for Jui-Jitsu and welcome parents to visit and tour our facility. Although we have non-profit status and rely on support from the community and our members, we guarantee that every new member receives a free uniform. With the pandemic ongoing, we also maintain meticulous cleaning and safety protocols to protect all of our students and visitors.
