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kimura lock

Kimura Lock 101 – Guide To This Powerful Move

What Is A Kimura Lock In Jiu-Jitsu?

Kimura lock, or simply “Kimura,” is one of the most effective submission techniques in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. It is named after a famous judoka, Masahiko Kimura, who defeated one of the founders of BJJ, Hélio Gracie, in a historic grappling match. The technique involves using a figure-four grip to entangle an opponent’s arm and apply pressure to both the shoulder and elbow joints, causing intense pain and often leading to submission.

One of the advantages of the Kimura arm lock is its versatility, as it can be performed from various positions, including the standing position, north-south position, and even offensively while transitioning from one position to another. However, it is also a high-risk move, particularly against skilled opponents who may counter it with a reverse ude-garami or a reverse arm entanglement.

Despite its potential dangers, the Kimura lock remains a popular technique in BJJ and has been used in some of the most famous grappling and pro-wrestling matches in history. UFC legend Frank Mir famously used it to defeat former champion Brock Lesnar in one of the most shocking upsets in MMA history.

The Kimura lock is a powerful and effective submission technique that has become a staple of BJJ. Its application requires skill, technique, and timing, but in the right hands, it can lead to victory in even the most challenging of grappling matches.

Step By Step Guide To The Kimura Lock

If you are a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioner or just someone who enjoys grappling, then the Kimura lock should be in your arsenal of techniques. The Kimura is a shoulder lock submission that can be used from various positions and is highly effective when executed properly. This step-by-step guide will walk you through how to do a Kimura.

Step 1: Establish Control

The first step in executing a Kimura is establishing control over your opponent’s arm. This can be done from various positions, but one common way to set it up is from the closed guard. With your opponent in your closed guard, reach across their torso and grab their wrist with both hands. Firmly grip their wrist and ensure your thumbs point towards their pinky finger.

Step 2: Move to a Figure-Four Grip

With a firm grip on your opponent’s wrist, transitioning to a figure-four grip is the next step. To do this, wrap your free hand over your opponent’s arm and around their elbow. At this point, your arm should be in a “figure-four” position, with your hands gripping each other.

Step 3: Secure the Lock

Once you have the figure-four grip, you can start to apply pressure and secure the lock. Start by lifting your opponent’s elbow off the ground and twisting it inwards towards their body. This will place tremendous pressure on their shoulder joint and create a lot of discomfort. Keep twisting and increasing the pressure until they tap out or verbally submit.

Step 4: Maintain Control Throughout the Submission

Once you have established control and secured the lock, it is important to maintain control during the submission. This means keeping your arms locked and applying consistent pressure throughout the process. If your opponent begins to escape, adjust quickly and readjust your grip and posture so they cannot break free. Additionally, when transitioning to the figure-four grip, maintain control of your opponent’s wrist and elbow.

Step 5: Finish the Submission

To finish the submission, you can apply additional pressure by leaning your weight towards your opponent’s shoulder or using your free hand to push their wrist towards their back. This will place further pressure on their shoulder joint, making the submission even more painful. However, be careful not to apply too much pressure, as this can lead to injury.

The Kimura lock is a powerful submission that should be in every grappler’s toolbox. Although it can be executed from various positions, mastering this technique from the closed guard is a great way to start. Remember to focus on establishing control, transitioning to a figure-four grip, and securing the lock to finish the submission. With practice and patience, you, too, can become a Kimura master.

Step 6: Practice, Practice, Practice

As with any technique in grappling martial arts, practice is key when mastering the Kimura lock. You should start by drilling the move in a safe and controlled environment and gradually increase the speed and pressure as you become more comfortable. Additionally, it is essential to remember that this submission can be very dangerous if not applied properly. Therefore, remember your opponent’s safety and tap out if the submission becomes too uncomfortable.

The Kimura arm lock is a powerful submission that can be used from various positions. With practice and patience, you, too, can become a Kimura master. Remember to focus on establishing control, transitioning to a figure-four grip, maintaining control throughout the submission, and securing the


In conclusion, the Kimura Lock is a highly effective submission technique that has become popular among martial artists of all disciplines. This technique isolates and controls your opponent’s arm, then applies pressure and leverage to their shoulder joint. The Kimura Lock is challenging to escape once appropriately executed and can be modified into many variations.

The power of the Kimura Lock is such that even experienced black belts are not immune to it. Many Judo practitioners have also honed their skills in executing the Kimura Lock, which has become a popular submission in Judo competitions. MMA fighters also use this technique to win fights, as demonstrated by notable fighters such as Brock Lesnar, Frank Mir, and Ronda Rousey.

Training to master the Kimura Lock is essential for any serious martial artist. It is one of the most dangerous and effective submission techniques in the grappling world. Whether practicing in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Judo, or MMA, the Kimura Lock can give you a significant advantage in your fights.

In short, the Kimura Lock is a versatile and devastating technique that every martial artist should add to their repertoire. By mastering this technique, you can become a force to be reckoned with in the grappling world and take your fighting skills to the next level.

If you’re a serious martial artist looking to take your grappling skills to the next level, then join GBJJ and begin mastering the Kimura Lock today. Our professional instructors will provide you with the knowledge and guidance necessary to become a true master of this powerful submission technique. You’ll learn how to properly set up and execute the Kimura Lock from various positions and tips and tricks to stay safe and effective during training. With GBJJ, you can become a master of the Kimura Lock in no time!
