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foam roller

The Best Foam Rollers for BJJ Recovery

To recover after a long session of Jiu-jitsu training, rolling is a must. And no, we don’t mean sparring in class or Na-waza; we’re referring to the important practice of using a foam roller.

Using a foam roller is a form of self-massage geared towards myofascial release. Myofascial release doesn’t just feel great; it also allows your muscles to mobilize metabolites and torn fibers that can otherwise hinder recovery. In addition to supplementation and burnout prevention, muscle recovery from foam rolling must occupy a key part of your recovery strategy.

Of course, your experience and your results will depend on the quality of the foam roller. With the market saturated with options, it’s difficult to single out one foam roller as the best.

That’s where we come in. This article is the product of extensive testing and research, through which we have identified the three best foam rollers Amazon has in its catalog. With these rollers, tense muscles will be a thing of the past.

RumbleRoller Textured Muscle Foam Roller

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Foam rollers are a dime a dozen these days, and many of them do the job for most fitness enthusiasts. However, in BJJ, muscle pain is serious and occurs deep below the skin’s surface. For these aches and pains, deep tissue release is necessary, but the physiotherapist visits necessary to provide this are quite expensive.

Fortunately, an equally effective alternative exists at a fraction of the price. It’s none other than the RumbleRoller Textured Muscle Foam Roller.

The RumbleRoller Textured Muscle Foam Roller is made of EVA, so it grazes the line between tough and comfortable. The polyolefin construction of the foam roller guarantees premium durability, but never at the expense of softness.

Measuring 21.65 x 5.51 x 5.51 inches, the RumbleRoller Textured Muscle Foam Roller boasts broad coverage, allowing it to provide relief for a wide surface area. The RumbleRoller Textured Muscle Foam Roller also features specially designed polyolefin-EVA spikes that press and stretch muscle fibers across this broad expanse of your body. The foam doesn’t just give inward but also sideways, adjusting to the natural contours of your body.

With its polyolefin/EVA construction, it’s rigid enough to provide pressure to muscles yet soft enough to do so comfortably. In short, the effect of the RumbleRoller Textured Muscle Foam Roller closely resembles that of the hands of a skilled massage therapist.

The RumbleRoller Textured Muscle Foam Roller both massages and stretches, providing relief for nearly every common form of muscle soreness — DOMS or otherwise. This is one foam roller that every BJJ athlete needs to have in their gym bag.

321 STRONG 5 in 1 Foam Roller Set

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Not all kinds of muscle soreness are the same. In fact, not all forms of muscle soreness are even treatable with a foam roller. To cover a wide range of muscle ailments, it’s important to find a foam roller that comes with foam roller accessories, including a strap of some sort, a double lacrosse ball, and a mini-roller for your thighs.

Does such a foam roller exist? We’re happy to say “yes!” The 321 STRONG 5-in-1 Foam Roller Set is the answer to nearly every form of muscle pain that can occur from long sparring sessions.

The 321 STRONG 5-in-1 Foam Roller Set measures 5.4 x 5.3 x 12.4 inches. Compact in its construction, it fits perfectly in every gym bag, even alongside your belt and gi. The length enables it to target smaller areas of muscle like the lats, quadriceps, and upper back.

There are different ridging and spike patterns along the exterior of the 321 Strong 5-in-1 Roller Set. One side has spikes for deep tissue work, while the other has a flatter, less spiky side for superficial fascia release.

What truly sells the 321 STRONG 5-in-1 Foam Roller Set is the array of foam roller accessories that come within it. This set comes with five different tools for all of your myofascial release needs. These include a double lacrosse ball, a spike ball, a massage roller stick, a stretch strap, and a large, hollow foam roller with removable end caps to store the other items inside of.

Without a doubt, the 321 STRONG 5-in-1 Foam Roller Set offers the best bang for your buck out of any foam roller Amazon has.

SPRI Foam Roller High Density Extra Firm Muscle Massage Roller

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The SPRI High-Density Foam Roller is one of the densest on the market today.

And why is density important? It’s all about rigidity. Foam rollers can apply pressure on fascial tissue insofar as they don’t easily give under heavy load. In other words, the best foam rollers allow athletes to lie on them, regardless of the athlete’s weight.

The SPRI Foam Roller applies a deep tissue massage using its rigidity. The foam roller is made of high-density foam capable of retaining its shape under pressure and durable enough to allow for repeated use. It doesn’t matter how heavy you are, nor does it matter if the entire academy uses it; the shape and rigidity will remain the same.

The smooth and consistent exterior of the SPRI High-Density Foam Roller is capable of delivering uniform pressure on a wide surface area. Whether it’s your entire rhomboid region or the surface of your thighs, the SPRI Foam Roller can cover it all.

The shape of this foam roller enables the SPRI High-Density Foam Roller to be one of the most versatile on the market; when you’re done massaging the day’s training away, it doubles as an unstable surface for stability training. This is a huge perk for BJJ athletes looking for more core and balance work.

The SPRI High-Density Foam Roller also comes with a massage guide for those who are new to foam rolling. All in all, the Spri High-Density Foam Roller is in it for the long haul.

Get Rolling!

Foam rolling is a must for any athlete; a good foam roller can aid in muscle recovery, improve range of motion and joint health, and more.

The foam rollers we’ve reviewed here offer the best bang for your buck. Whichever one you choose, use it, get some rest, and test out the difference in your recovered muscles on the mats!
