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jiu jitsu mats

The Best Jiu Jitsu Mats For At-Home Practice In 2022

Any serious BJJ athlete knows the importance of training whenever and wherever possible. And we do mean wherever possible — including at home. Outside the academy, the living room or basement becomes the gym. What better way to create an environment for training BJJ drills than by investing in jiu jitsu mats? 

BJJ mats give trainees a safe surface to perform drills on. Also, mats protect both the trainee and the floor. The protective traits of a BJJ mat are a godsend for anyone who frequently trains with weighted implements, too. 

Yes, a BJJ mat is always worth the investment. But with the abundance of options, choosing the right BJJ mat isn’t always easy. Luckily, we’ve found and tried three of the best on Amazon. 

Check out these BJJ mats and take your mat game to the next level! 

Greatmats Home MMA Foam Tile for Grappling

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We kick off the list with one of the most versatile BJJ mats on the market. The Home MMA Foam Tiles from Greatmats come in packs of 10. Each foam tile provides 4 square feet of cushioned floor space — enough for floor exercises of all kinds. 

The Home MMA Foam Tile consists of three layers. High-quality Tatami forms the outermost layer of the mat and ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) foam makes up the layer below the Tatami. The bottom layer is a denser weave of EVA foam designed to provide friction. This way, trainees can shrimp and do burpees without the mats slipping. 

The Home MMA Foam Tile BJJ mats provide 1.5 inches of cushion. Even at just 1.5 inches, each mat guarantees to protect trainees from injuries during floor workouts or rolls. The shock absorption comes from the dense EVA foam under the Tatami.  

The inconspicuous grooves atop the mat are superficial perforations. These allow easy and smooth cutting. The easy-cut feature comes in handy for size motivations or reductions. 

The EVA foam and Tatami layering make the Home MMA Foam Tiles non-absorbent. As a result, sweat and moisture remain on top of the mat. Easy to clean, the Home MMA Foam Tiles provide an infection-free training environment for all at-home trainees. 

Homeowners can join the mats in the 10-pack together due to the interlocking sides. It’s almost like putting a puzzle together! 

The Home MMA Foam Tiles come in several color options: blue, gray, and black. 

WF Athletic Supply Interlocking Exercise Foam Mats

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Many jiu-jitsu mats on the market consist of materials like EVA foam. However, not many can claim to provide excellent traction. The WF Athletic Supply High-Density Reversible Interlocking Foam Tiles offer the solution to the problem of slippery mats. 

The WF Athletic Supply High-Density Mats have patterns on the surface for extra traction. The 3-D diamond texture pattern creates additional friction against any object that makes contact with the mat’s surface. The diamond patterns make these mats excellent for live rolls even after everyone is sweating. The traction the patterns create makes these mats great for takedown practice too!

The diamond pattern at the bottom creates the traction necessary for the mats to remain in place. In other words, the WF Athletic Supply BJJ mats won’t slip all over the floor even after frequent usage. 

The patterns are uniform on top and underneath the mat because the mats are reversible. Both sides of the foam tiles are usable and have different colors depending on the variety. 

Each mat measures 1.85 feet and has 0.47 inches of cushion. Due to the high-density material, these jiu-jitsu mats by WF Athletic Supply can withstand anything from a heavy training partner to a loaded barbell. The mats have interlocking edges, meaning that assembly is easy and hassle-free.

The WF Athletic Supply High-Density Mats are easy to assemble and clean. Cleaning requires no more than soap, water, and a bit of time!

Anngrowy Large Exercise Mat

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Assembling mats is fine, but what if doing this is a chore to a trainee? Wouldn’t it be great to have one BJJ mat covering a large surface area? This Jiu-jitsu mat from Anngrowy does just that. And its floor coverage is phenomenal! 

The Anngrowy Large Exercise Mat covers eight feet by five feet of floor space. With this floor space coverage, even a single mat will suffice for most living rooms and home gyms. 

This BJJ mat from Anngrowy is seven millimeters thick. But, make no mistake — the mat offers enough cushioning for safe takedown rushing! The mat consists of dense polyvinyl chloride, providing optimum cushioning without compromising stability. 

Due to the balance between shock absorption and rigidity, Anngrowy’s BJJ mat is a mainstay in both BJJ academies and commercial gyms. The mat is soft enough to break falls but rigid enough to protect floors from bars, plates, and kettlebells. 

Anngrowy’s mats boast premium abrasion-resistant padding that keeps the mat in place. The non-slip padding under the mat also protects floors from scratches. Hence, no traces or scuff marks will appear when trainees remove the mat.

The mat is also low maintenance and easy to clean. Cleaning the mat requires only a brush, soap, and water. Due to the PVC material, the mat air dries quickly. 

Anngrowy’s mats are also US ASTM-F963-certified. The certification proves the mat is free from hazardous materials, guaranteeing a safe training experience. 

The Anngrowy Large Exercise Mat comes with a lifetime warranty. It’s available in green and black. 

Up Your Mat Game at Home With the Right Jiu Jitsu Mats!

These mats are some of the best we’ve seen on the market today. Check them out at Amazon and find the best Jiu-jitsu mats that’ll give you a second academy at home! 
