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Top 3 Post Workout Supplements for BJJ in 2022

Top 3 Post Workout Supplements for BJJ in 2022

Looking for post workout supplements after an intensive Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu session? A good post workout supplement reduces your recovery time in between workouts and minimizes delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). However, with so many supplements on the market, it becomes almost impossible to choose.

No worries; below, you’ll find a discussion of some of the best post workout supplements available on the market today.

1. Ancestral Minerals & Electrolytes

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This dietary supplement is made from whole food products. The main ingredients include ancient sea salt, Atlantic kelp, potassium chloride, wildflower bee pollen, and magnesium glycinate.

Ancestral Minerals & Electrolytes works by reintroducing minerals into your body. Chloride, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium are all present to replenish any minerals that you lose during your workout. It also contains electrolytes to help regulate blood pressure and prevent dehydration, which minimizes muscle pain resulting from over-exertion. The calcium and antioxidants also work toward bone health to prevent injury during BJJ.

The product contains enzymes for the improved digestion of fat, protein, and carbohydrates. Because of this, many people on Keto utilize Ancestral Minerals & Electrolytes to help them through their diet. Other trace minerals added into the supplement are chosen to help your brain function clearly, reinforce your joints, and improve your immune system.

Each bottle contains a 30-day supply of capsules. When using Ancestral Minerals & Electrolytes, it’s best to build up to the recommended daily dosage; you can start with just 1 capsule per day for a week before increasing it to 2 capsules per day on the second week and 3 capsules per day for the third. Continue increasing your serving size per week until you reach the recommended 6 capsules per day.

Contact your health care provider if you have pre-existing health problems or you’re taking prescribed medications. Associated side effects with the supplement include nausea, dizziness, hives, lethargy, and headaches. If you experience any of these, stop using the product immediately. If symptoms persist, see your primary physician.

Reviews for Ancestral Minerals & Electrolytes paint an impressive picture of this post workout supplement. Users rave about their quick muscle recovery while using this product, and one even stated that the supplement helped them sleep better at night on top of the promised benefits.

2. Naked Vegan Protein Powder

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Another popular post workout supplement is Naked Vegan Protein Powder. If you’re following a vegan lifestyle, this product will boost you while allowing you to stay committed to your vegan diet. The product is available in many flavors, including chocolate, vanilla, peanut butter blueberry, and strawberry banana. Each bottle contains 30 servings, and each serving contains only 5 grams of sugar and a whopping 20 grams of protein. For those on a Keto diet, each serving only has 7 grams of carbohydrates and 120 calories.

This protein shake is derived from the yellow split pea plant, which is sourced from American and Canadian farmers to guarantee quality. This shake also includes MCT oil, which leaves you feeling full and satisfied throughout the day. This shake is also a great base to add fresh fruits so you can enjoy your favorite flavors like strawberries, blueberries, bananas, and other tropical fruits.

The Naked Vegan Protein Powder contains no additives, artificial flavors, colors, or sweeteners. The ingredients include the aforementioned peas, coconut sugar, potassium salt, monk fruit extract, and fermented cane sugar. It’s certified free from soy, gluten, and GMOs. Other mineral contents include 90 mg of calcium, 245 mg of potassium, and 2 mg of iron.

The protein powder is recommended for people who need to increase their protein intake. The brand guarantees a no-mess, no-fuss shake that can be fixed up in just a few minutes. If you have a busy day ahead but still want something healthy and filling, this is a great go-to solution.

Reviews for the Naked Vegan Protein Powder are promising, with most positive comments directed towards its taste. The peanut butter blueberry seems to be the crowd favorite, with vanilla a close second. The product blends well, giving you a smooth and pleasant consistency.

3. Mend Regenerate Post Workout Muscle Recovery

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This post workout supplement is formulated to help with muscle recovery. It contains protein, minerals, vitamins, and essential amino acids to help heal your muscles after a workout. Taken daily, the protein shake can improve performance in sports like JJB and speed up muscle repair. It shortens recovery between workouts, allowing you to get back to your routine for faster muscle development.

Each pack of Mend Regenerate contains 20 100% natural and non-GMO servings. This product includes nutrients like vitamins A, C, D, E, and B vitamin complex, including B6, B9, and B12. Mend Regenerate is credited with boosting users’ immune systems and strengthening their joints and bones.

This protein shake is recommended for seniors who want an all-around supplement for good health. It can delay the physical signs of aging and help you get more energy for daily exercises. Each scoop contains enough good bacteria to support a healthy digestive system.

The shake can be blended with plain water or combined with other ingredients to suit your flavor and diet preferences. You can even add coconut water or fresh fruits to the mix for an added boost of vitamins and minerals. Users of Mend Regenerate have left many positive reviews of the products’ taste; you can check them out for yourself on Amazon.

Start Your Best Days Today!

As with any supplements, you should talk to your primary care physician before beginning use to prevent negative interactions with any medicine you might be taking right now. However, once you’re cleared to boost your body, a post workout supplement is important to help you through the recovery process whether it’s leg day or cardio day.

Keep in mind that quality is crucial if you want to give your body the best results. If good health and quick progress are the goals, these three supplements are the cream of the crop in the market today. Check them out on Amazon and start your healthy journey today!