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Self-Defense Classes For Seniors

Self-Defense Classes For Seniors

In a person’s golden years, security is paramount. When it comes to feeling secure, senior citizens must prioritize three things: finances, health, and, of course,

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How Do I Protect My Back While Doing Jiu-Jitsu Near Me?

If you are searching for learning Jiu-Jitsu near me, you need to at least consider the responsibilities (and risks) that come with it. Jiu-Jitsu as a martial art is a great way to get in shape, learn self-defense, and even be part of a growing community. However, there are also some risks associated with the…

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Jiu Jitsu vs. Wrestling: A Comparison Guide for Two Forms of Grappling

Jiu Jitsu vs. Wrestling: A Comparison Guide for Two Forms of Grappling

Both Jiu-Jitsu and wrestling are martial arts that primarily fight on the ground. In mixed martial arts, fighters can adopt both fighting style strategies. However, if you are looking for Jiu Jitsu vs. Wrestling there are significant differences in sports. The strength gained from one sport can benefit other athletes, but some skills do not pass well between the two sports. There are also significant strategic differences between Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and wrestling and what martial art should I learn from both of these.

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